Casanova Brooks
Casanova Brooks

Licensed Agent

How To Design An Ecommerce Website: 5 Best Tips!


Table of Contents

In today’s world, if you desire to make your business stand out, you can’t but consider such an aspect as eCommerce.

The creation of your own powerful and alluring resource will enable you to loudly declare your position, mission, as well as features that distinguish your brand from competitors’ one.

Moreover, compared to brick-and-mortar stores, the online presence of your company will give you a chance to scale up your business and attract a bigger number of potential customers easier and more efficiently.

Still have some doubts about the importance of building an eCommerce website? In this article, we will try to work them out and consider key points you should pay attention to, so that your resource brings you real benefits.

However, making a proper and effective eCommerce website is not a piece of cake and may require substantial knowledge and expertise. 

Hence, if you fully understand that there’s no such specialist in your team, you can delegate this issue to an eCommerce website design company.

With their aid, you may be certain that each detail will be covered and nothing will be missed out on.

Vital Web Design Factors You Should Bear In Mind

web design

1. Consider A Consistent Brand Color Palette

Choosing the right colors that will make your eCommerce site excel is incredibly essential. That is why, to increase conversions and sales, you should understand the psychology of color and employ it.

As you probably know, colors can evoke different emotions, feelings, and associations in your target audience.

Thus, if you desire your eCommerce website to be effective, you need to know how to use colors to your advantage. 

For this purpose, it is advisable to study the meanings of each color as well as its compatibility with other ones. This way, you will have more chances to grab and retain clients’ attention.

In addition, you should use white (or negative) space to highlight the most important aspects and make your customers perform the desired actions.

Accordingly, the application of white space, along with a proper color palette, will help you create a first-class online shopping experience in your store.

2. Keep The Design Neat

You should remember that users form impressions of your brand not because of its catchy name or logo but because of its overall image. Hence, when it comes to a website, the structure and design of its pages play a huge role. 

So, to create a recognizable and memorable brand, you should consider using common elements on all your pages. This way, you will show your consistency, which clients extremely appreciate.

Moreover, when searching for products online, customers do not want to go through countless blocks of text.

Therefore, if too many elements are presented on your resource, your audience might easily get distracted and not take targeted actions.

Regarding all these aspects, you should make sure that your website is consistent, user-friendly, and able to encourage potential customers to make a purchase.

If this issue is covered, your site visitors will face no difficulties while looking for a product, service, or information of their interest.

3. Use Images Of High Quality

Since website design entails improvement of the overall aesthetics of your eCommerce platform, you should always use images of high quality and resolution. And it denotes not only product photos but all the pictures introduced on your site. 

Thus, high-quality and relevant images can emphasize your personality and evoke certain emotions.

Additionally, to sell products, you should provide photos that show the way they look in real life. Otherwise, users will not get a clear vision of the goods, which means that they might not place an order or buy a product from you.

4. Highlight The “Cart” Button

The shopping cart is an essential element of any online store, and the number of orders depends on how friendly its interface is. 

Thus, if the buying process is intuitive and as simple as possible, the number of “abandoned” carts will be minimal. At the same time, not just the process of placing an order is vital but also the way the products get into the cart.

add to cart button

Most frequently, the cart icon is located in the upper right corner of the page, while the product is added using the “Buy” button.

For the convenience of customers, we recommend following a few rules:

  • The cart should be prominent so that the clients do not waste time looking for it (visually, it should differ from the rest of the design elements);
  • The customers should be informed that the product was added to the cart with the help of a pop-up window (accompanied by a suggestion to proceed with shopping or placing an order).

5. Simplify Product Searching

In general, customers can be divided into two groups: the ones who know what they want to buy and the others who don’t. And as long as here, we are talking about an eCommerce-based business, it is implied that the website will offer different types of products. 

Furthermore, almost any product is characterized by diverse sizes, colors, or packaging. And a clear and simple filtering system can influence even the most demanding customer’s decision to buy a product.

Therefore, whether your business is big or small, it’s crucial to have a well-defined system of product categories, the complexity of which affects the user experience. 

Accordingly, if clients fail to find the desired information or product quickly and flawlessly, then the chance that they will leave the store is pretty high.

And this is probably different from the outcome you would like to reach, right?

On A Final Note

In this article, we discovered several factors that cannot and should not be neglected whilst working on the way an eCommerce site looks and functions. 

We hope the provided guidelines will be enough for you to avoid possible mistakes that might affect your store’s prosperity. After all, the success of your business is the only and primary goal you are striving to achieve, isn’t it?

casanovabrooksCasanova Brooks is a real estate entrepreneur. With a background as a licensed realtor at Berkshire Hathaway and currently serving as a Change Agent at eXp Realty, Casanova brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Beyond real estate transactions, Casanova is a seasoned motivational speaker, author, and podcast host. His book, “Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners,” reflects his commitment to sharing insights and strategies for success in the ever-evolving world of real estate. Join him on his journey as he continues to make waves in the world of real estate and beyond.

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