When it comes to social media marketing, many people think about using popular hashtags to get more views for their posts. However, there are some best practices that you should take into consideration when deciding which hashtags to use for real estate marketing to enhance your online presence. Social media is undoubtedly the future of marketing as it exposes a realtor to so many opportunities. In this article, we will discuss how to properly use real estate hashtags and why they are so important for your business. We will also talk about the importance of including them in your posts and what other platforms you can utilize as well.
What are hashtags?
Hashtags have been around for more than ten years now and can be used on most social media platforms. They are popularly known as “#” symbols, but they may also appear to resemble a “pound sign.” The hashtag was first created by Twitter user Chris Messina in 2007 when he tweeted “How do you feel about using # (pound) for groups? As in #barcamp [msg]?” However, his tweet didn’t go very far until August of 2009 when another individual started tweeting with the hashtags and this became more common practice because it allowed people to search specific topics on Twitter.
Hashtags allow users to follow conversations that interest them without being part of an existing conversation or group. With just one click, users can find out what other people have been discussing online.
A hashtag is used to find out what people are talking about at a specific moment. There may be many hashtags that come up when you search- for example, “#MondayMotivation” or “#FridayFeeling.” Hashtags allow the general public as well as companies and organizations to put messages in front of interested users.
Real estate hashtags are a social media tool that can help you in many ways, from getting your business found by more people to providing valuable insight into how the market is doing through comparative market analysis. The best way to use these hashtags for real estate purposes is through researching and utilizing those related to a specific area or community.
This will allow you to reach past just general followers who are not looking for your services but also target potential customers with an interest in what you offer. One real estate hashtag could bring you so many leads.
Why do you need real estate hashtags?
For real estate agents, one of the best ways you can use hashtags in your marketing is to track what people are saying about your company. When you add a hashtag before or after one of your posts, it becomes easier for other users to find and follow that post on their social platform. This will help spread awareness about your business among potential customers who may not know about you yet. Hashtags also make it easy for followers to see all the photos and posts related to a topic they’re interested in.
For example, if someone wants updates from an agent who specializes in farm area properties but follows many real estate agencies, this person could search through all the recent tweets using #farmarea so he/she doesn’t miss any news about those properties. The hashtag also makes it easier for other agents to find these posts and follow the agent’s account if they’re interested in learning more about farm area sales.
In your social media strategies, you should create a campaign to use real estate hashtags. This will help spread awareness about your business among potential customers who may not know about you yet. Hashtags also make it easy for followers to see all the photos and posts related to a topic they’re interested in.
One real estate hashtag can be shared on multiple social platforms. For instance, if you want to post on Instagram and Twitter at the same time but only have room for one hashtag in each caption or tweet, try combining them like this: #mynewrealestateoffice
The best thing about hashtags is that they can be used more than once. If your property has been featured in a top publication like The Wall Street Journal’s Marketplace section or Forbes Magazine, use the same hashtag when sharing with followers who may not know about it yet. This gives these publications extra reach; their posts will show up higher in search results as well – which means even more leads from potential customers who didn’t see those articles before.
How many real estate hashtags should one use on social media?
This is a difficult question to answer, and one that doesn’t have an easy answer. The best thing you can do is use as many relevant hashtags for real estate as possible without overwhelming your followers with too much information or making it seem like spam. There are some general guidelines we recommend following when you want to use hashtags: try no more than two per post, don’t be afraid of using the same hashtag twice in different posts (especially if those posts were published on separate days), and make sure these hashtags will work well together by looking at similar social media accounts first.
Real estate marketing is not easy, and that is why using hashtags could be an excellent idea. Apart from the factors highlighted above, using general real estate hashtags could get you to several social media sites.
Also, use hashtags depending on the social platform:
- Facebook. you should use between six and eight of these per status update
- Instagram – if your post includes a photo, it would be wise to include at least one or two hashtags in the caption. If you are seriously considering using hashtags, Instagram allows for a maximum of 30 hashtags per post. It is the best option among all social media platforms.
- Twitter – the best hashtag for this is #realestate. Like Instagram, Twitter requires very catchy hashtags. One to two hashtags create the most engagement.
- Pinterest – single-word hashtags are best.
- LinkedIn – the best hashtag for this site is #realestate
- YouTube – like Twitter, you should stick with one or two hashtags on YouTube
- Reddit – if your post contains a photo, include at least one popular real estate hashtag in the caption and make sure it’s related to what you’re posting about. If it doesn’t contain a photo, then use only other relevant ones (e.g., top cities)
- Tumblr – these vary according to content but can be between three and five words long.
- Pinterest boards: generally speaking, you want no more than four per board; however, that depends on how well they fit together as part of an overall theme If not, then try including top real estate hashtags like #RealEstateAgent, or any relevant ones that are related to your content.
If possible, copy and paste them from other social media sites which have similar posts so as not to overwhelm followers with too much information about where they can find more photos or text updates on the same topic.
Generally, there’s no rule on how many you can use, but if your content includes photos, try including at least one or two catchy ones in the caption (and remember Twitter requires short captions). If there aren’t any related posts then consider using one or two.
When reposting, it’s best to remember that hashtags are not clickable on Instagram so if you want people to see your post when they look for certain terms then be sure to include them in the caption with a link. For example, #RealEstateAgent can become “learn more about how agents manage risk” by including these tags along with a link within the description field of their original photo.
Things to avoid when using real estate hashtags
If used correctly, hashtags can be your number one local marketing strategy. But before you start using them, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to hashtags realestate.
Don’t make hashtags too personal or cryptic
Don’t use hashtags that are too cryptic or difficult to understand. If you’re posting a photo, the caption should be short and sweet with a clear hashtag at the end of it so people can find your content based on their interests-like “cute dog #dog.”
If you want to share something personal, make sure it’s tagged appropriately. For example: “Had such an amazing time in Paris.” Come up with several ideas to bring the message home clearly. Otherwise, it would be wise to avoid real estate hashtags that are too personal or cryptic.
Too long hashtags
Something like the realtor realestateagent hashtag is good enough. Creating real estate hashtags that are too long might not be a good idea.
There are some real estate agents who use hashtags that are lengthy to display how much they want to share information about their properties but it is advised that you do the opposite. This is because your post will get buried in search engine results or people might just skip reading them altogether if it’s too lengthy.
In the end, it’s best to use hashtags that are concise and straight to the point. If you don’t want others to see your post then make a private hashtag for yourself or just keep them simple like realestateagent #realestate.
Don’t use random hashtags in one sentence.
Do not use more than one hashtag in the same sentence. This is where people will get confused and start to question your credibility on social media. You want to be seen as trustworthy, so do not misguide anyone with the overuse of hashtags.
For instance, Instagram posts allow you to use 30 hashtags per post. But that does not mean you use all 30 in one sentence. The best thing to do is find a good mix of hashtags that are relevant but also not too many for your audience to keep up with.
If used correctly, good real estate hashtags can increase engagement with your customers in your neighborhood and brand awareness. But use them wrongly and they will have the opposite effect.
Tips for creating useful real estate realtor related hashtags
- Use the search bar to search for keywords that are most trending in the area you are targeting.
- Check for correct spelling and grammar. This is critical because hashtags are something that people will search on to find what they want, so make sure you have your company name spelled correctly or it could be detrimental to the success of your campaign.
- Use relevant keywords in your hashtag. For example #realestateagentsinsteadof only using real estate agents as a whole with no other words attached can mean someone else might tag their post under this same hashtag – which would not help you! Make sure to use related terms like “real estate agent,” “#farmarea” (Only if applicable), etc., then choose one main keyword or phrase per post instead of lots all at once.
- Keep content short and sweet. You want to post more than one or two hashtags at a time for people to find you quickly, but don’t make them too long so that it’s not worth the effort on their part to get through your entire sentence.
- Don’t overuse hashtags. If you’re using five different ones in one post, assume someone might only use two of those tags when they search – which is terrible because then everyone else would miss out on what they want from your blog post! Make sure each hashtag has its place within the text instead of just thrown all together into a blob-like this: #hashtaghere #anotheronehundredthishashtag #ect…it’sbetterthistheotherway
- Real estate hashtags are mostly for lead generation, but they can also be used to connect with other agents who might share the same opinions or experiences as you. This is a great way of adding content that people will want to read. Make sure when using hashtags in this manner, that your posts still have original text and not just repetitive phrases over and over again. “Follow me on Instagram” isn’t going to do much good if all it has is one hashtag at the end of each post without anything else behind it. It’s better to use five different ones throughout those posts so more people see what you’re writing about.
- You should never tag any realtor groups unless you are part of that group and you have permission to do so. This is not a good way to build your own personal brand because it’s like saying “I’m an agent, but I work for this other company!”
When are hashtags used in real estate?
One good thing about hashtags is that they are free. And therefore, you can use them in any post and anywhere. They are best used for lead generation, to generate more traffic from individuals who may not know your company.
Consider local hashtags that are trending in your city or neighborhood. They should be easier to use, as per the current topic related to your realty brand.
Most popular real estate hashtags
– #realestate realtor
– #realestateselling
– “citynamehere” (example: “LosAngelesRealEstate)
– #househunting or #homebuying
– general real estate hashtags such as “real_estate” and “#realtor”
- #homeforsale
- #openhouse
Most Creative hashtags
Many Real Estate agents use the same hashtags, which makes it difficult to stand out and get discovered. To come up with your own unique list of best real estate hashtags for posts on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter, consider using creative hashtags like:
This hashtag is typically used in a posting that shows off some type of dream home as an example for others to follow. A recent popular one was when Tim Cook’s house sold after he left Apple. Homebuyers were hoping they would be able to snag this prime piece of Silicon Valley property at a low price before anybody else could snatch it away from them.
Selfies are popular on social media, and it’s important to make sure you have a catchy hashtag for your followers. The hashtag is best used when there’s an occasion worth commemorating with a photo or video of you in the posting.
This hashtag focuses more on making sustainable choices in everyday life decisions like food, clothing, transportation, and housing as opposed to just eco-friendly home design ideas that may be found elsewhere online.
This is a popular hashtag used by amateur photographers to share the images they’ve taken with their camera phones.
Local hashtags
If you are listing a home, be sure to include the neighborhood hashtag when appropriate. For instance, if you live in Beverly Hills, California then use “#BeverlyHills”. If your property is near a beach then use something like “#beachlife” for example. Be creative with your location-specific tags. And don’t forget about other social media platforms – many people still check their Instagram feeds daily so be sure to use relevant hashtags on Instagram too. Come up with several ideas for hashtags targeting your city or neighborhood. The message should be clear and concise to create relevant leads.
Example include:
- #YourCityitiesBestHomes
- – #WhereYoursIs
- – #YourNeighborhoodsBestBuyers
- – #MovingtoNewYorkCity? WeWorkHere.
Branding using real estate hashtags
Using real estate hashtags for promoting your realty brand is an excellent way to market. Create a clever or catchy hashtag for your realty brand to make it easy for potential customers to find you.
Example include:
Realtor Joe Bob’s Home Selling Services – #JoeBobSellsHomes, Real Estate Agent Mary Smith – #MarySmithAgent, Thompson Homes Team – #THTeamHomeExperts
Here are some general rules for using trending real estate hashtags
Hashtags per post: be careful when using more than one hashtag in the same posting – you want your content to appear natural. A good rule of thumb is no more than two or three tags max, and don’t forget that most people see hashtags as spam if it’s all they can see. Create a list of related real estate hashtags for your brand so you know what ones are best suited for each platform (Instagram vs Facebook).
General Real Estate Hashtags: Use these specific terms only if they apply to your local area like “localrealestate” or “#area123.” You may also consider creating general marketing campaigns around popular events such as #springcleaning or #golfseason.
Social Media Platforms: You may also want to consider using hashtags that are specific to the social media platform you’re posting on – for example, “#instagood” is a popular hashtag on Instagram but won’t have any relevance outside of this network.
Related Hashtags: If your post contains images from an event like “home open house,” use related keywords such as “openhouse.” This will help increase visibility in search engines and generate more leads for your business.
Frequently asked questions
What are real estate hashtags?
Real estate hashtags refer to the use of a word or phrase with a “#” symbol in front, like #realestateagents. Real estate agents can put up content on social media using these keywords as well as related terms and phrases that will help people find them when they search for those words. These posts should also include sensible links back to your website where you provide more information about what services you offer. You may also want to create a catchy hashtag just for branding purposes so potential customers know who you are without having to look at your profile picture first!
Does using many different types of hashtags work best?
It is not necessary but some important things while deciding which ones will be best to use are:
Which types of hashtags are related best?
These could be general real estate, social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter, or something else entirely.
In this guide, we’ve shared what hashtags are and why they should be a part of your marketing strategy. It includes information about what types of real estate hashtags are best and how many per posting, as well as some other helpful tips like including your own hashtag so people know who you are without seeing your profile picture first. We hope that you have found it useful. If you have any questions or would like to get started using hashtags in your real estate business now, please let us know. Our team is prepared to help.