Casanova Brooks
Casanova Brooks

Licensed Agent

How Much Commission Does a Realtor Make? Unveiling the Mystery in 2023.


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As a professional real estate agent, I’m here to reveal the truth about realtor commission fees, earnings, and income. In 2023, a landmark lawsuit exposed the conspiracy of inflating commissions in the real estate industry. The National Association of Realtors and prominent real estate companies were found guilty, resulting in a staggering $5.3 billion in damages awarded to home sellers.

This case challenges common practices and shines a light on the average commission rates that realtors make. Let’s dive into the details and uncover the truth behind realtor earnings.

Understanding Realtor Commission Rates

Realtor commission rates can vary depending on various factors, including the location, property type, and the specific agreement between the realtor and the client. On average, realtors receive a commission of around 5-6% of the sale price of a property.

However, it is important to note that this percentage is often split between the listing agent (representing the seller) and the buyer’s agent. The commission rate is typically negotiable, and realtors may offer discounted rates or different commission structures to attract clients.

To calculate the commission amount, a realtor commission calculator can be used. This tool takes into account the sale price of the property and the agreed-upon commission percentage.

By inputting these details, buyers and sellers can get an estimate of the commission that will be paid to the realtor.

It’s also worth noting that market conditions and competition influence the average realtor commission.

In highly competitive markets, realtors might offer lower commission rates to attract more clients, while in less competitive areas, realtors may charge higher commission rates due to limited demand.

Table: Average Realtor Commission Rates

Location Average Commission Rate
New York City, NY 6-7%
Los Angeles, CA 5-6%
Chicago, IL 5-6%

As the table above demonstrates, average realtor commission rates can vary across different locations. These rates are influenced by factors such as the local real estate market, demand for properties, and the cost of living in a particular area.

Factors Affecting Realtor Earnings

When it comes to realtor earnings, several factors come into play that can significantly impact their income. Here are some key factors that influence how much realtors make:

  1. Number of transactions: The more transactions a realtor handles, the more opportunities there are to earn a higher income. Experienced realtors who consistently close a large number of deals can see a substantial increase in their earnings.
  2. Sale prices of properties: The higher the sale price of a property, the larger the commission the realtor can earn. Realtors who work with luxury properties or high-value homes have the potential to earn more compared to those dealing with lower-priced properties.
  3. Commission split: Realtors typically split the commission with their brokerage or team. The commission split can vary, so the percentage that the realtor receives affects their earnings. Some realtors may negotiate a higher split, allowing them to keep a larger portion of the commission.
  4. Market conditions: The real estate market can fluctuate, which can impact realtor earnings. In a hot market with high demand, realtors may have more opportunities to close deals and earn higher commissions. On the other hand, a slow market can make it more challenging for realtors to generate income.

It’s important to note that individual realtor earnings can vary widely based on these factors and other personal circumstances. Realtors who establish a strong client base, build their reputation, and continuously improve their skills also have the potential to increase their earnings over time.

Factor Impact
Number of transactions Positive
Sale prices of properties Positive
Commission split Variable
Market conditions Variable

By understanding these factors, both realtors and those considering a career in real estate can make informed decisions and set realistic expectations regarding potential earnings.

It’s crucial for realtors to stay informed about market trends, adapt to changing conditions, and continuously strive to provide exceptional service to their clients to maximize their income potential.

The Role of Realtors in the Home Buying Process

When it comes to buying a home, the role of a realtor is invaluable. As a real estate agent, I work closely with home buyers, guiding them through every step of the process to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Whether you’re a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, having a buyer’s agent by your side can make a world of difference in finding the perfect home.

As a buyer’s agent, I represent your interests throughout the entire home-buying process. I help you navigate the market, identify suitable properties, and arrange viewings.

Once you find a home you love, I assist in negotiating the best possible offer and terms, ensuring that your interests are protected every step of the way.

One of the key benefits of working with a buyer’s agent is that the seller typically pays their commission. This means that as a home buyer, you can tap into their expertise and guidance at no additional cost to you.

The commission is usually split between the buyer’s and seller’s agents, making it a fair and mutually beneficial arrangement.

How Realtors Work for Home Buyers:

  • Assist in finding suitable properties based on your preferences and budget.
  • Schedule and accompany you to property viewings.
  • Negotiate offers on your behalf to secure the best possible deal.
  • Guide you through the closing process and coordinate with other professionals involved, such as lenders and inspectors.
  • Provide valuable insights and advice based on their knowledge of the local market.

Working with a realtor as a home buyer ensures a smoother and more efficient process and gives you peace of mind, knowing that you have an experienced professional advocating for your best interests.

So, if you’re in the market for a new home, consider enlisting the services of a buyer’s agent to assist you every step of the way.

home buyer

Benefits of Working with a Buyer’s Agent Benefits of Not Working with a Buyer’s Agent
Expert guidance and advice throughout the home-buying process. Limited knowledge of the market and potential pitfalls.
Negotiation skills to help you secure the best possible deal. Having to navigate negotiations with the seller’s agent on your own.
Access to a wider range of available properties through the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Reliance on online listings and limited exposure to off-market properties.
Assistance in navigating complex paperwork and legal requirements. Potential for mistakes or oversights in the documentation process.
Coordination with other professionals, such as lenders, inspectors, and attorneys. Having to manage multiple aspects of the transaction on your own.

The Value of Realtors in the Home Selling Process

When selling a home, many homeowners choose to work with a listing agent who handles the marketing, negotiation, and coordination of the sale.

The listing agent receives a commission fee, typically a percentage of the sale price, for their services. This commission covers the cost of marketing the property, finding potential buyers, and representing the seller’s interests throughout the process.

The commission structure and fee can vary; some homeowners may negotiate a lower commission with their listing agent.

Working with a listing agent offers several advantages to home sellers. Firstly, real estate agents have extensive knowledge of the local market and can advise on the appropriate listing price for the property.

They also have access to a wide network of potential buyers, increasing the chances of a quick and successful sale.

Additionally, listing agents handle all the paperwork and legal requirements involved in the selling process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transaction for the seller.

Table: Comparison of Listing Agent Services and Commission Fees

Listing Agent Services Commission Fee
Marketing the property Typically, a percentage of the sale price
Finding potential buyers Varies depending on the agreement with the listing agent
Negotiating offers
Coordinating the sale
Handling paperwork and legal requirements

It’s important for sellers to carefully consider the services provided by listing agents and their corresponding commission fees. While some agents may offer a lower commission rate, they may provide fewer services or have less experience in the local market.

On the other hand, agents with a higher commission fee may have a more extensive network and offer additional marketing strategies to attract potential buyers.

Ultimately, sellers should choose a listing agent who demonstrates a strong track record, excellent communication skills, and a comprehensive understanding of the local real estate market.

real estate commission

Home sellers can benefit from their expertise, professional guidance, and industry knowledge by working with a listing agent. The commission fee paid to the listing agent is valuable in ensuring a successful home sale.

Sellers can rely on the listing agent to handle all aspects of the selling process, from marketing to negotiation, and to secure the best possible price for their property. In conclusion, the value of listing agents in the home-selling process cannot be overstated.

How Realtor Fees Can Vary

When it comes to realtor fees, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

The amount that real estate agents charge can vary based on several factors, including the location, property type, and individual agreements between the realtor and the client.

While the average commission percentage for real estate agents is typically around 5-6%, it’s important to note that some agents may charge higher or lower fees based on various considerations.

Factors such as the realtor’s expertise, market conditions, and the level of service they provide can influence the commission rate they charge.

More experienced agents or those who specialize in specific niches may command higher fees due to their expertise and track record.

On the other hand, agents who are just starting in the industry or primarily deal with lower-priced properties may offer discounted rates to attract clients.

It’s crucial for buyers and sellers to have transparent discussions with their chosen realtor about the commission rate.

Open communication ensures that both parties understand the fees involved and can negotiate a fair agreement based on market conditions and the level of service provided.

By actively discussing and negotiating fees, clients can feel confident in the value they are receiving, and realtors can maintain a sustainable business.

real estate agent fees

Examples of Varying Realtor Fees

As an example, let’s compare the commission percentages of three real estate agents in different locations:

Agent Location Commission Percentage
Agent A New York City, NY 6%
Agent B Los Angeles, CA 5.5%
Agent C Des Moines, IA 4.5%

From the table above, it’s clear that realtor fees can vary significantly based on location. Agents in highly competitive markets like New York City may charge a higher commission rate than agents in less competitive areas like Des Moines.

Additionally, agents may adjust their fees based on factors such as the property’s sale price, the complexity of the transaction, and the level of effort required to market and sell the property.

Overall, it’s crucial for buyers and sellers to carefully consider the value and services provided by real estate agents rather than focusing solely on the commission rate.

By understanding how realtor fees can vary and engaging in open discussions, clients can make informed decisions and find the right agent to guide them through their real estate journey.


In conclusion, real estate agents have the opportunity to make a substantial income through commissions. The amount of commission they earn varies based on factors such as the average commission percentage, the type of properties they handle, and the volume of transactions they manage. It is important for both buyers and sellers to understand the factors that affect realtor compensation and to negotiate fair commission rates.

When engaging in real estate transactions, it is crucial to consider the national average realtor commission as a benchmark. This can help buyers and sellers gauge the reasonableness of the commission rates proposed by their chosen realtors. By understanding the market conditions and the level of service provided, individuals can make informed decisions about the commission they are willing to pay or accept.

Real estate agents make money by providing valuable expertise, guidance, and support throughout the buying or selling process. Their commission is a reflection of their dedication and hard work in ensuring a successful real estate transaction. By working together and establishing fair commission rates, both parties can achieve their goals and have a positive experience in the real estate market.


How much commission does a realtor make?

Realtor commission rates can vary, but on average, realtors receive a commission of around 5-6% of the sale price of a property.

What factors affect realtor earnings?

Several factors influence a realtor’s earnings, including the number of transactions, the sale prices of the properties, and the commission split with their brokerage.

What is the role of realtors in the home-buying process?

Realtors play a crucial role in helping buyers navigate the market, find suitable properties, and negotiate offers. Buyer’s agents typically receive a portion of the commission paid by the seller.

What is the value of realtors in the home selling process?

When selling a home, many homeowners choose to work with a listing agent who handles the marketing, negotiation, and coordination of the sale. The listing agent receives a commission fee for their services.

How do realtor fees vary?

Realtor fees can vary depending on factors such as location, type of property, and the specific agreement between the realtor and the client. The average commission is around 5-6%, but some agents may charge higher or lower fees based on various factors.

casanovabrooksCasanova Brooks is a real estate entrepreneur. With a background as a licensed realtor at Berkshire Hathaway and currently serving as a Change Agent at eXp Realty, Casanova brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Beyond real estate transactions, Casanova is a seasoned motivational speaker, author, and podcast host. His book, “Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners,” reflects his commitment to sharing insights and strategies for success in the ever-evolving world of real estate. Join him on his journey as he continues to make waves in the world of real estate and beyond.

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